Young Water Las soluciones para un desarrollo sustentable (Video)

22 febrero 2020

22 de febrero del 2020
Fuente: We Don´t Have Time
Duración: 1hr00min12s

Young Water Solutions for Sustainable Development Joint event between Stockholm and Madrid This event will highlight such solutions and water’s integral role in achieving sustainable development. The event will feature young innovators and scientists from Sweden and Spain, showcasing their solutions to challenges in water availability, energy, and waste management, as well as knowledge gaps in climate change impacts. Moderator: Ania Andersch, Senior Manager, SIWI Miguel Sequeiros Doval, student and Stockolm Junior Water Prize-alumn Ariadna Gonzáles Navarro, student and Stockolm Junior Water Prize-alumn Jonatan Persson, entrepreneur and Stockolm Junior Water Prize-alumn Michael Nyirenda, student and Stockolm Junior Water Prize-alumn ‍Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).

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