Expanding Wetland Assessment Procedures: Linking Indices of Wetland Function with Services and Valu

12 junio 2007 Agua

Autores: Dennis M. King, Lisa A. Wainger,

Candy C. Bartoldus y James S. Wakeley

University of Maryland, U.S.

Army Engineer Research

and Development Center


This report describes a method to expand indices of wetland function to reflect the services and values of wetlands. Services are defined as the beneficial outcomes of wetland functions, and the value of services depends on the ability of wetlands to satisfy the needs and preferences of people. This report outlines the Wetland Value Index (WVI) System and describes the information required to apply it. A second report will illustrate the WVI System by developing prototype indices of wetland services and values and using them to compare gains and losses resulting from actual wetland mitigation trades. Both reports describe the preliminary results of work in progress. More research and field testing will be needed to make the WVI System a credible and practical tool for assessing wetland trade-offs.


 Expanding wetland assessment procedures (1.87 MB)


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