Dry Taps…Gender and Poverty in Water Resource Management

06 noviembre 2007

Eva Rathgeber
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Marzo, 2003

Water is a basic human need and a basic human right. In situations of scarcity, decisions about  access  to  water  and  use  of  water  involve  actors  at the  intergovernmental,  governmental,  regional,  community  and  household  levels  and  often become  highly  politicized. The needs  and  perspectives  of  large  and  small  scale  farmers, of small and medium sized enterprises,  of  households, of fisherfolk and of others who earn their livelihood from water can differ significantly. At the same time, level of commitment of the different actors  to  conservation  practices  and  to  protection of water  resources from contamination may also vary and the question of whose interests prevail and receive top priority can create considerable tension. The most vulnerable members of societies, the landless  and  the  poor  often  have no voice  in  decision-making  about water and  their  needs  may  be  given  little priority.



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