Investigating and Evaluating Environmental Issues of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo River Valley

11 junio 2007

Caso de estudio


A case study of water issues along the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo, this book is written for use by teachers of middle and secondary students. Developed by The Center for Instruction, Staff Development and Evaluation, the goal of this 95-page book is to help instructors teach students how to investigate environmental issues. Four literacy components are focused upon. They are: 1) formation of ecological foundations, 2) creation of student awareness of issues and human values, 3) investigation and evaluation of issues and solutions, 4) citizenship action.

Autor(es) Trudy L. Volk, William J. Bluhm, Harold Hungerford and John M. Ramsey
Tipo de libro Educators Guide
Fecha de Publicación 2006-04-10 11:45 am
Sitio Web para este libro Sitio Web para este libro
Idioma de Contenido Inglés
Otras Palabras Clave Río Grande, Río Bravo, material educativo

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