Loss and social-ecological transformation: pathways of change in Xochimilco, Mexico

29 junio 2021 Agua

29 de junio de 2021

Fuente: Ecology and Society

Autores: Hallie Eakin, Rebecca E. Shelton, J. Mario Siqueiros-Garcia, Lakshmi Charli-Joseph  y David Manuel-Navarrete.

Año de publicación del artículo: 2019

ABSTRACT. We explore how loss of livelihood, loss of ecological function, and loss of group identity are linked in the process of
social-ecological change through the narratives of stakeholders associated with the wetland of Xochimilco in Mexico City. Drawing
from interviews, focus groups, and participatory workshops with a variety of residents and city administrators, we analyze narratives
about what is valued, what is problematized, and what social and ecological relationships appear as critical from the perspective of
contemporary residents and officials. Loss is prominent in these narratives, capturing the interdependence of ecology, identity, meaning, and livelihood for the inhabitants. We trace these narratives to the historical roots of center-periphery politics of land and water use, situating the current dynamic context within the social-ecological system’s long pathway of change. Diffuse blame for social-ecological change expressed in the narratives appears to inhibit collective action, as does a conflicted history of local response to the city’s control of resources. We posit that finding a sustainable pathway forward may depend in part on how residents are able to cognitively or emotionally accommodate landscape change while still enabling the values they have come to associate with the landscape. Such accommodation may entail accepting some degree of loss in system function and structure, but this loss may also provide opportunities for new social-ecological relations that enable the persistence of local identity.


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