Water quality monitoring in the Xochimilco peri-urban wetland: experiences engaging in citizen science
29 junio 202129 de junio de 2021
Fuente: REDES Restauración Ecológica y Desarrollo, A.C.
Autores: Patricia Pérez-Belmont, Jannice Alvarado, Nallely Vázquez-Salvador, Erika Rodríguez, Elsa Valiente, y Julio Díaz.
Fecha de publicación del artículo: 01 de abril de 2019
Abstract: Citizen science schemes for environmental monitoring generate benefits for scientists by increasing the capacity of scientists to gather information. Citizen scientist monitoring also benefits the citizens involved because they acquire a deeper knowledge and understanding of the benefits of ecosystems and the ways that anthropogenic activities affect them. This study details the efforts of a local non-government organization (Restauración Ecológica y Desarrollo A. C.), the Earthwatch Institute, and the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation’s Water Program to monitor the water quality in the Xochimilco peri-urban wetland, which is threatened by accelerated urbanization. The Xochimilco wetland includes agricultural areas in which raised beds called chinampas are surrounded by canals and small lakes. These chinampas have been managed for hundreds of years. The water in
the canals is mainly used for agricultural irrigation, but it is also the habitat of a variety of aquatic species. In this study, we analyze the water quality of 7 canals and 1 lake located in areas with chinampas that have different uses such as housing, tourism, semi-intensive agriculture, agroecological farming, and abandoned agricultural land.
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