Vacante: Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist (World Bank Group) (Inglés)

11 agosto 2022 Agua

World Bank Group está buscando a alguien en la posición de Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist.

Term duration: 

  • 2 years


  • Bogotá, Colombia

Required language(s):

  • English;Spanish

Role & Responsibilities:

The selected candidate will have the following specific duties:

– Support and eventually lead Bank Task Teams and/or participate in projects providing technical support in the identification, preparation, and supervision of projects as well as in the preparation and implementation of analytical and advisory activities, including the formulation of background documents, organization of missions, monitoring the progress of projects, and undertaking regular field visits.

– Support and eventually lead the supervision of project subcomponents and provide technical advice to Government implementation units.

– Contribute and eventually lead Advisory Services and Analytics (ASAs) activities for the Water Global Practice and others.

– Maintain liaison and dialogue with the Ministry of Housing (MINVIVIENDA), Ministry of Environment (Miambiente), Ministry of Agriculture (Minagricultura), regulatory agencies (CRA, SSIS), Environmental Regional Authorities (CRAs), development partners, research institutions, non-government organizations, the private sector, and other sector-related institutions.

– Liase with other Global Practices (particularly Environment and Agriculture) to foster cross sectoral collaboration

– Supervise consultants (individual and firms), ensuring consistency and conformity to Bank standards; and evaluating studies and sector-related project documentation.

– Provide technical support to the task teams, as needed, liaising closely and coordinating the water-related activities with other Global Practices and the Country Management Unit (CMU).

– Monitor and provide advisory support for the adherence to World Bank’s operational policies and quality requirements in technical and fiduciary due diligence.
Other tasks in Colombia or beyond as agreed with the Practice Manager.

Selection Criteria:

* A Master’s level degree, in a field relevant to water supply and sanitation, including civil, sanitary, or environmental engineering, water resources/environmental management, economist, or other related fields from an accredited university.

* A minimum of five years of relevant professional experience in water supply and sanitation in the government, bilateral or multilateral development organization, private sector, or non-government organizations.

* Knowledge and experience in wastewater management, water resources management, and/or climate change is a plus.

* Familiarity with and a good understanding of policy, institutional, regulatory, and management frameworks for water supply and sanitation, and water resources management in Colombia.

* Experience in coordinating and/or managing multi-disciplinary projects on water or sanitation. 

* Experience working with international institutions/companies is a plus.

* Experience with multi-sectoral teams is particularly desirable.

* Good external client relations skills.

Required Competencies:

In addition to the above, the successful candidate should demonstrate the following:

– Knowledge and Experience in Development Arena – Understands the policy-making process; distills operationally relevant recommendations/lessons for clients.

– Policy Dialogue Skills – Identifies and assesses policy issues and plays an active role in the dialogue with the government and/or other stakeholders.

– Integrative Skills – Working to develop an integrated view across all facets of the current sector.

– Water Policy and Strategy – Basic understanding of water policies and strategies and their role in delivering outcomes to end users/customers.

– Water Institutions – Basic understanding of water supply and sanitation sector institutions (ministries, regulators, service providers, community organizations) and how they are best organized to deliver services to end-users in a sustainable manner.

– Water Financing – Basic understanding of approaches to water supply and sanitation sector financing of both capital and O&M costs.

– Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure and Technologies – Direct experience with water supply and sanitation infrastructure and technologies.

Closing Date:

  • 8/12/2022

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